Monday, January 19, 2009

Making history

Truths about Canada:

1. iPod batteries dwindle from 4 hours to 4 minutes.
2. My snot has changed chemical forms in seconds upon entering the wild.
3. My jacket -- incidentally very warm in North Carolina -- is apparently not good enough.
4. It may be snowing in Durham. Irony?
5. The loonie and toonie are in fact quite useful.
6. Ice fishing looks popular.
7. Snow is a workout.
8. Happy post-MLK day!

I am ratcheting up the job search from many miles away. Although I am studying abroad, it's still time to get that mo-net. I've never applied for a job before, so it's quite exciting. I submitted a resume and a cover letter yesterday. Hopefully in reusing the same words I didn't leave any other-company-references in. That would be an oops-er.

The Canadians are no less excited about Bush departing as many Americans. A rando magazine in a cafe just happened to chime in. 

As for my opinion: I'm not sure. In leading, it is necessary to be confident in your direction. Bush was definitely confident. I mean, you must be confident to convince yourself and others that what you're doing is correct. But on the flip side, you must be competent -- unarguably the most important trait. I can't say he was. I believe he was too closed minded to really gain any full perspective. It was difficult and his presidency encompassed really intense moments, but that comes with the job. Hopefully Obama can eek out something positive and significant (what that is, I'm not sure). I know he's capable, but there's no telling what the next four years will bring.

So this is the first time I've lived in a place for an extended period of time that's not thirty minutes away from my hometown. I've often wondered what it was like or how different my college experience would be if I had chosen another school. One of the most significant changes is actually buying my own food. I've entered the can game quite strongly. Canned corn, canned beans, canned ravioli. Anything is fair game really. At first it was really convenient: a little can as an entire meal. But then it got pretty mundane: the same thing for an entire meal. As a result, I intend to spice up my food-stuffs. First, I should learn how to cook. Then, I should learn how to handle spatulas. 

Au revoir!

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