Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Because it was akela ... a kela ... get it?

There's an update to the monkey situation in Delhi, and I thought I'd share it with you all.

Apparently 5000 monkeys have been caught since 2001-2002 in Delhi. The high court issued an order to remove all of the monkeys immediately after the Deputy Mayor was killed from a monkey attack and subsequent fall from his terrace (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/2478340.cms). They're sending the monkeys to another city and marking them with colors. The colors begin to wear after 7 - 10 days and they don't know if they monkeys are escaping or not.

It's a really difficult situation out here in the subcontinent.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness i didn't even recognize your blog-nation because it has been soooo snazzified.

Jasdeep said...

thanks, rachelle. blog nation needed a new look.